Today was pretty good. I was supposed to wake up at 5am to hit the gym..hehe..but yeah..umm...I didn't make it. Instead I woke up at 7:00am and hit the gym for two hours before my 9:15 English class. It was a good workout! I ran forever on the treadmill again. But yeah, after the workout, I was crazy sore. I could hardly walk up the stairs. And every-time I walked somewhere I was like rushing just so I could sit down hehe. But yeah it was a good sore, not like the time you were here babes and I couldn't move at all. Anywho, after the gym, I got out in time enough to go to the library, print out my paper, and arrive to class 5 mins early. Class was pretty short. All we did was talk about pointless stuff and then hand in our papers. The most embarrasing thing was how my stomach kept growling at me in the middle of class. EVERYONe heard was ridiculous. And it kept doing it. It was so loud that one girl leaned over and said to me "maybe you should get something to eat downstairs"...and then I told her "maybe I should put my fist in your about that?" I didn't say that..but yeah my stomach was actin fresh.
Anywho, after class I went right to get breakfast at the cafe. It was delicious this morning. I had french toast and eggs. mmm..I haven't had eggs since you have left baby, so it felt so good to have some. And the french toast was finally soft and perfect. I think this was the first time in 3 years the cafe got it right. (vicky shakes her head in disbelief still)
After breakfast I went back to my place and took a nice warm shower and fell asleep for an hour. I had an hour before work started so I figured I would take one of those healthy mid day naps - that help u live longer hehe. But this time the nap wasn't the best. I woke up more tired then I was before the nap. So yeah, that wasn't too good to say the least. I woke up 5 mintues before work - cause I couldn't seem to get up to my alarm.
Work was pretty laid back. I got a lot of work done on my paper due Friday. I did all the research needed so the writing part will be very easy. I was proud of myself, cause I was in no condition to work and focus on hmk. But what i was researching was quite interesting. I am doing a paper on Fredrick Douglass. And while I know a lot about the brother, it was my first time reading through his entire narrative. It was quite interesting. I swear if I lived back then...his writing would have inspired me to risk my life on the underground railroad and try to save as many slaves as I can. His writing, his words, were so inspiring and powerful. It is amazing how a person can write with such conviction and present it so smoothly. I felt like every word he wrote had a distinct purpose for having been written. Every little single word was meant to be there. was intreging to say the least. If you haven't read it, I encourage you to do so!
After work I headed to my Mom's office - as this has been a daily routine as well - and talked with her for a bit. Then I took off to CVS and the post office where I mailed a response letter to Mumu's mom, bought necessities like soap and mouth wash, and bought a calling card so that I can talk to my baby. But much to my disappointment, I got the wrong one. The one I got does not cover my type of cell phone. So that was freaking annoying. I paid $20 for that...and I'm not even sure if I can return it and get my money back. So yeah boo!!! booo!! boo!!. I will go back there tomorrow to see what's up. Realizing that i still couldn't call my baby, I was sad, and I fell asleep once again. This time i slept for 2 hours. But the good part is that I got to wake up to my baby calling me! :) YEY YEY YEY!! I was very happy to hear from him. We talked for a bit and said a million and one I love you's. It was so good to hear from him. I could feel in his voice that he missed me just as much as I missed him. After we got off the phone with one another I didn't cry this time. I didn't even get sad. Instead I smiled, and felt joy and calmness in my heart. I felt complete. I have my baby's love and I'm very much in his heart. And I have everything going for me here. The Lord has been soo good to me. So yeah..happiness happiness happiness to say the least. He'll be back before I know it.
After that happy time, I got out of bed and prepaired for my proctor shift. I then went over to Speare (where we have to check in) early and stopped by outtakes to get dinner and found that it had snowed when I was sleeping. I would say boo to that too..but be quite honest I am kinda neutral. Snow is not too bad anymore. outtakes I got my favorite meal again...veggies and rice. It was soo good and I got the last dish. This meal is my new obsession woo! Anywho..while proctoring I washed an episode of Lost - which was amazing like usual. That show never lets me down...props to them writers. They's is mad good son. lol..let me stop trying to be ghetto. But yeah..great writers fa real! After that I watched Dance Wars..which has improved. Or maybe I've lied and convinced myself that it was decent due to the fact that there is hardly anything else to watch. But back to the point! Proctoring went by pretty quick. For the last hour and a half I worked on my midterm for Friday and made good headway.
Oh but then some girl decided to get drunk or high to the point where she was stumbling and falling all over the place. So naturally I had to call the police and have her taken care of. That was a bummer, but atleast I wasn't on duty so there was less work I had to do. I know it may seem like I lack empathy right now..but once u've been an RA for 3 years u kind of become immune to things such as this.
Anywho, when I got off of proctoring, I came up to my room and did hmk and here I am writing my account of the day. I suppose I should sleep now..
I love you baby.
P.S. The room temperature is just right, I wouldn't want it to be any other way. (my random sentence of the day) :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
After my BIG midterm
So, the Business Government midterm was today. You know, the one I had been studying for for the ENTirE weekend!! Well I think I did very well on it, God willingly I actually did. But I am staying positive. I knew all the terms and more terms that were even not on the exam. I got to include them in my essay portion though. So i am content. I was very happy that this went well though, cause if you couldn't tell from how much I studied for it, I was very very nervous. Well I always get a little nervous before and exam..I don't know why..but I do. But yeah, for this one, I was very nervous so when I finished it and realized that I studied well, I was very happy. I felt like a huge rock had lifted off my shoulders. I had a whole bunch due this week: 3 papers, the BG test and African Americans test. I was so nervous that I was going to not do well on everything, specially cause my mind was of course on Tamu and missing him. I was dreading this week, but hoping for it to come at the same time so that I could get one day closer to the time of his return. But yeah for a bit..I just couldn't focus. I would be reading and have to read a sentence over and over again cause I found my mind wondering about Tamu instead of on the material I was reading. Yikes..I thought to myself.."I can't focus...I can't get this...and I'm going to surely fail" hehe. But I calmed myself, prayed to my Lord and he helped to calm me and focus. I also thought of how much mu loves me, and that helped as well. :)
So yeah the results are as follows: I got an A on my African American studies exam, an A on my English paper, a good feeling about my BG midterm, and I have yet to hand in my second and third paper which is due tomorrow and Friday. So we shall see. But I think I did fairly well for the week. Even though it is not over yet, I consider the hard parts over :)
After the exam, I headed to Moms office and talked with her for a bit. Then I went to my dorm and worked on my paper due wed. I then feel asleep for an hour, and got up in time enough to get to work. I was sooo tired and drained. But yeah, while I was at work, I plugged away at my paper even more. I actually just finished it before blogging it. It's like 1:00 in the morning right now. I have been working on this paper since 3 this afternoon so I am relieved to be done! :)
Anywho, after doing most of my paper by 6:30pm, I got dressed and went to meet Sherley at the gym. We worked out until 9:00. It was a good workout. She was feeling sad over some stuff so I encouraged her the same way she encouraged me when i was falling apart over Tamu being gone. But yeah, the bottom line is some stupid guy just didn't realize what he had and didn't treat her as she should have been treated and now she is suffering from the hurt. So!! But with the Lord's help and my help she will be just fine. We are having a day out together this Friday and Saturday. Friday I am going with her to get her hair done at Monica and Todd's (my hairdresser, but she has never gone there). And then on Saturday we are supposed to go see a movie. I am not sure which one yet, but it should be fun. Yeah, now that I think about it, it is my job to look up times and I should get on that haha.
But yeah after having a hard workout, I went to my staff meeting which was at 9:30pm and then I headed back to my room to finish my paper. And here I am. I'm listening to mixture of jamie fox, brian mcknight, eric benet, and robin thicke. They are all on my play list now. Good singers!!! very good singers. There music is sad enough for me to tear up, but its smooth enough to relax me and help me focus. But yeah...anywho..
I miss you baby, and I love you. I sent you some messages in gmail and fb and left comments on your blog. MWah. I hope you are having a great sleep and have a fantastic day tomorrow. Oh and I am working on getting a phone card tomorrow so I should be calling you soon. Oh and RA's find out if we got hired for next year on Friday. So I'll tell you how that goes. Supposedly there is a lot of us returnees so thats always good.
Oh and one more thing - Spring break is next week!!! I had totally forgotten. But it will be perfect..I can finally get some sleep. I feel like I am tired 24/7.
The room is bright and comfy..i feel good. (And just so u know..I am going to start writing random sentences at the end of my writings again. I think its cool) :P
So yeah the results are as follows: I got an A on my African American studies exam, an A on my English paper, a good feeling about my BG midterm, and I have yet to hand in my second and third paper which is due tomorrow and Friday. So we shall see. But I think I did fairly well for the week. Even though it is not over yet, I consider the hard parts over :)
After the exam, I headed to Moms office and talked with her for a bit. Then I went to my dorm and worked on my paper due wed. I then feel asleep for an hour, and got up in time enough to get to work. I was sooo tired and drained. But yeah, while I was at work, I plugged away at my paper even more. I actually just finished it before blogging it. It's like 1:00 in the morning right now. I have been working on this paper since 3 this afternoon so I am relieved to be done! :)
Anywho, after doing most of my paper by 6:30pm, I got dressed and went to meet Sherley at the gym. We worked out until 9:00. It was a good workout. She was feeling sad over some stuff so I encouraged her the same way she encouraged me when i was falling apart over Tamu being gone. But yeah, the bottom line is some stupid guy just didn't realize what he had and didn't treat her as she should have been treated and now she is suffering from the hurt. So!! But with the Lord's help and my help she will be just fine. We are having a day out together this Friday and Saturday. Friday I am going with her to get her hair done at Monica and Todd's (my hairdresser, but she has never gone there). And then on Saturday we are supposed to go see a movie. I am not sure which one yet, but it should be fun. Yeah, now that I think about it, it is my job to look up times and I should get on that haha.
But yeah after having a hard workout, I went to my staff meeting which was at 9:30pm and then I headed back to my room to finish my paper. And here I am. I'm listening to mixture of jamie fox, brian mcknight, eric benet, and robin thicke. They are all on my play list now. Good singers!!! very good singers. There music is sad enough for me to tear up, but its smooth enough to relax me and help me focus. But yeah...anywho..
I miss you baby, and I love you. I sent you some messages in gmail and fb and left comments on your blog. MWah. I hope you are having a great sleep and have a fantastic day tomorrow. Oh and I am working on getting a phone card tomorrow so I should be calling you soon. Oh and RA's find out if we got hired for next year on Friday. So I'll tell you how that goes. Supposedly there is a lot of us returnees so thats always good.
Oh and one more thing - Spring break is next week!!! I had totally forgotten. But it will be perfect..I can finally get some sleep. I feel like I am tired 24/7.
The room is bright and comfy..i feel good. (And just so u know..I am going to start writing random sentences at the end of my writings again. I think its cool) :P
Monday, February 25, 2008
A fairly good day
So today was fairly good. I decided to sleep in and not go to the gym this morning due to my hard workout last night. I woke up at around 8:30 this morning. I got a nice morning message from my honey and I checked his blog, which has been my daily routine, and I saw his great pictures which made me so happy. Then I put on some nice music (which has been a mix of Jamie fox slow jam songs), brushed my teeth, washed my face, and prepared for my day. I put on a nice white colored shirt under my red sweater and nice pants, and I was good to go.
I left my dorm at around 9:00am and went straight to the library to print out a rough draft of my paper for English class. Yup I did it even though it turned out that my teacher didn't look at it or doing anything with it in class, so it was quite pointless. But yeah..anywho..after that I studied more for my midterm and ate a bowl of cereal at the cafe. The bowl of cereal was not that good by the way but I wolfed it down cause it was the only thing I came near to feel like eating.
After eating and studying I walked over to my moms office to say hi and share Mumu's awesome new pics of him in Ghana that are up. She loved them. We talked for a bit and I then realized that I was soooo tired. Probably cause I had not gone to sleep until like 2 this yeah. Even though I hadn't planned on it, I had to come back to my place and take a 20 minute nap before my second class of the day. I'm the type of person that usually does not do good with short naps despite reports that say - 15 minute naps throughout the day helps you live longer. I generally sleep very very deeply in those 15 mins and wake up with the worst headaches. But yeah..this nap was good :). I felt refreshed and energetic.
We had a good dicussion in class today on Slavary and its effects on contemporary politics. Although I didn't learn anything new cause I have been reading sooo much on this topic and issues surronding it, I got to demonstrate all that I new through class participation. It really affirmed what I know and helped me flesh out all the ideas in my head. I think the teacher is sort of impressed with me. At times he asks me to teach the class more about a particular topic we are discussing. Although I originally considered this putting me on the spot.....I think its pretty cool now.
After class, I went to work. I got to work a bit early but I got to talk more to my boss. She showed me the cutest new puppy that she is getting. I was so jealous hehe. The puppy was so adorable. Right now, my boss is looking up African names for the puppy - cause its an African breed...I forget specifically which one. But I think its fasinating how my boss is so intruiged with African dogs. But yeah...its cool cool.
Anywho, at 3:30 I was off of work and I headed out to get my hair is a pic. It turned out pretty neat I think. What do you think baby?

The girl finished my hair at 5:30, and by that time I was scheduled to meet Sherley at the gym. I worked out with Sherley from 5:40 to 8pm. Then I ran to the staff office to grab the pager - cause I was on duty. I was on duty with Nikki so naturally we sat there and talked together for like hours. We hadn't seen each other in like a month - even though we are on the same staff, so it was nice to catch up with her. After talking and doing rounds, I grabbed dinner, came back to my place and ate. I had veggies with rice and a cookie. ugh..I am soo full, but I'm glad I ate. was a good day baby. It was busy again. I am just counting down the days till your return. In 15 weeks we will be back together again and preparing for our adventures in Spain. I can harldy wait. I love you. Meantime, please pray for me - pray that I do well on my midterms!!
I left my dorm at around 9:00am and went straight to the library to print out a rough draft of my paper for English class. Yup I did it even though it turned out that my teacher didn't look at it or doing anything with it in class, so it was quite pointless. But yeah..anywho..after that I studied more for my midterm and ate a bowl of cereal at the cafe. The bowl of cereal was not that good by the way but I wolfed it down cause it was the only thing I came near to feel like eating.
After eating and studying I walked over to my moms office to say hi and share Mumu's awesome new pics of him in Ghana that are up. She loved them. We talked for a bit and I then realized that I was soooo tired. Probably cause I had not gone to sleep until like 2 this yeah. Even though I hadn't planned on it, I had to come back to my place and take a 20 minute nap before my second class of the day. I'm the type of person that usually does not do good with short naps despite reports that say - 15 minute naps throughout the day helps you live longer. I generally sleep very very deeply in those 15 mins and wake up with the worst headaches. But yeah..this nap was good :). I felt refreshed and energetic.
We had a good dicussion in class today on Slavary and its effects on contemporary politics. Although I didn't learn anything new cause I have been reading sooo much on this topic and issues surronding it, I got to demonstrate all that I new through class participation. It really affirmed what I know and helped me flesh out all the ideas in my head. I think the teacher is sort of impressed with me. At times he asks me to teach the class more about a particular topic we are discussing. Although I originally considered this putting me on the spot.....I think its pretty cool now.
After class, I went to work. I got to work a bit early but I got to talk more to my boss. She showed me the cutest new puppy that she is getting. I was so jealous hehe. The puppy was so adorable. Right now, my boss is looking up African names for the puppy - cause its an African breed...I forget specifically which one. But I think its fasinating how my boss is so intruiged with African dogs. But yeah...its cool cool.
Anywho, at 3:30 I was off of work and I headed out to get my hair is a pic. It turned out pretty neat I think. What do you think baby?

The girl finished my hair at 5:30, and by that time I was scheduled to meet Sherley at the gym. I worked out with Sherley from 5:40 to 8pm. Then I ran to the staff office to grab the pager - cause I was on duty. I was on duty with Nikki so naturally we sat there and talked together for like hours. We hadn't seen each other in like a month - even though we are on the same staff, so it was nice to catch up with her. After talking and doing rounds, I grabbed dinner, came back to my place and ate. I had veggies with rice and a cookie. ugh..I am soo full, but I'm glad I ate. was a good day baby. It was busy again. I am just counting down the days till your return. In 15 weeks we will be back together again and preparing for our adventures in Spain. I can harldy wait. I love you. Meantime, please pray for me - pray that I do well on my midterms!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A New Day and its Accomplishments
So I woke up in a good mood. I had a deep deep sleep and a good dream about Tamu. But honestly I don't remember what happened in the dream at all. Anywaz..I just know I was happy. It is a big thing for me, cause I am not a person a typically has happy and uplifting dreams. Good sigh...I felt like the Lord really calmed my heart about everything this morning.
I woke up late however. I was supposed to get up and eat a good breakfast, study and pack my things to get picked up by Neil on his way home from work. I was joining the family for Bible Study. Neil was came at 7:15am and I woke up at like a little bit after 7:00 so I was in a little rush to say the least. But all was morning was still cool. We stopped and ate breakfast. Then I got home, said hi to everyone and went straight back to studying. After prayer, I went back to studying, and then I permed, washed and trimmed my moms hair for her.
I eventually got dropped back on campus and I accomplished the following things:
1) I updated my resume and sent it out to 5 law firms
2) Did my weekly RA report
3) Studied more
4) Worked out at the gym
5) Blogged it :)
6) Wrote my rough draft for my English paper due Monday
7) Prepared to face another week..
8) And had prayer
It was a day full of more accomplishments. Yep I am determined to be ok. This is going to be a tough 3 months to come..but I am just going allow the Lord to improve me even more.
I woke up late however. I was supposed to get up and eat a good breakfast, study and pack my things to get picked up by Neil on his way home from work. I was joining the family for Bible Study. Neil was came at 7:15am and I woke up at like a little bit after 7:00 so I was in a little rush to say the least. But all was morning was still cool. We stopped and ate breakfast. Then I got home, said hi to everyone and went straight back to studying. After prayer, I went back to studying, and then I permed, washed and trimmed my moms hair for her.
I eventually got dropped back on campus and I accomplished the following things:
1) I updated my resume and sent it out to 5 law firms
2) Did my weekly RA report
3) Studied more
4) Worked out at the gym
5) Blogged it :)
6) Wrote my rough draft for my English paper due Monday
7) Prepared to face another week..
8) And had prayer
It was a day full of more accomplishments. Yep I am determined to be ok. This is going to be a tough 3 months to come..but I am just going allow the Lord to improve me even more.

Studying...studying...and studying
So Friday up until now was somewhat boring but full of accomplishments. I studied all of Friday evening for my Business Government Midterm on Tuesday. Then I fell asleep late Friday night and woke up at 6am to study more. Then I fell asleep around 8am and woke back up again two hours later to study more. The entire Saturday was spent studying for the test, with the exception of two hours, of which were spent talking to my bro.
So my brother has a long commute to school everyday. He goes to Bunker hill and home is in Hyde Park. So yeah it is a bit away. So my brother got up early and got all the way into school, but his teacher conveniently decided to not show up for class. So yeah that was a bummer to say the least. He called me at around 12:30 and said he wanted to stop by my dorm, eat and chill. Around 1:00 Neil got to my place and said he didn't want to get something to eat anymore, so we just sat and chilled in my room. It was the first time he saw my dorm, and he really liked it. Little did he looked terrible just yesterday. I had cleaned it up on Friday. It was so messy that everywhere I stepped..I was sure I heard something else break...hehe..I sad...Anywho..the important part was it was sparkling by the time anyone saw it :).
But yeah, we talked about everything from relationships to personal insecurities, strengths, and weakness. Neil just vented about was good stuff. From our disscusion one thing that we concluded is that a person in a relationship should not try to change their partner into something their not. When you're in a relationship a critical question to ask yourself is can you live and love the person just the way they are? If not..thats a sign that you need to "cut them out" as my Mumu would say...but yeah one of many conclusions....
Due to my day and night of just hittin the books hard, I had not even thought about food at all. And it was already around 2:00 in the afternoon that I started to think about it in the slightest. But, yeah I am not too rational when it comes to things like this. Like usually when a person is hungry they get up and get themselves something to eat. But I was so lost in what I was studying and then what I was talking about with Neil that I didn't get up and get anything substantial to eat. My brother got hungry too and asked if I had any snacks in my fridge. All I had were tangerines and great tasting cookies that Tamu's step mom made. So I snacked on a tangerine and Neil finished the rest of the cookies that were left. hehe..I had a large container of them, and he thought that they were so delicious that he couldn't stop eating them tehehe.
So we finished talking at around 2:00 and when he left I went right back to studying. Yes indeedy. I studied my heart away. I then had the urge to talk to my Baby so I texted Mu and asked if he'd be online later. He said that he wouldn't be able to get online but he would call me in a couple of hours. So I went back to studying and eventually concluded that I probably should get something to eat. By that time it was around 4:00 or got up, took my nose out of my book and went to the cafe. I had a slice of pizza and a plate of vegetables. I don't know why..but lately I've been craving so many veggies. It's quite weird..because I never crave this many veggies. Anywho...I suppose its a good thing every once in a while :P.
When I came back to the dorm I got a call from my Baby and we talked and talked. He was soo tired we couldn't talk as long as I'd like. But the positives are I heard homeboys voice :). So that was great. But after talking with him, I went to the gym and sat on the bike while studying - which has been my habit lately. I also ran on the treadmill for 25 minutes!! I think this is so cool cause I either usually get too bored to be on there for so long or I just wind up too winded before it comes to 25 minutes. But now I can do 25 minutes without blinking. I have been running that long on the treadmill the entire week, and my goal is to move up to 3o next week.
I fell asleep fairly late. Nothing special happened the rest of the night into morning.
So my brother has a long commute to school everyday. He goes to Bunker hill and home is in Hyde Park. So yeah it is a bit away. So my brother got up early and got all the way into school, but his teacher conveniently decided to not show up for class. So yeah that was a bummer to say the least. He called me at around 12:30 and said he wanted to stop by my dorm, eat and chill. Around 1:00 Neil got to my place and said he didn't want to get something to eat anymore, so we just sat and chilled in my room. It was the first time he saw my dorm, and he really liked it. Little did he looked terrible just yesterday. I had cleaned it up on Friday. It was so messy that everywhere I stepped..I was sure I heard something else break...hehe..I sad...Anywho..the important part was it was sparkling by the time anyone saw it :).
But yeah, we talked about everything from relationships to personal insecurities, strengths, and weakness. Neil just vented about was good stuff. From our disscusion one thing that we concluded is that a person in a relationship should not try to change their partner into something their not. When you're in a relationship a critical question to ask yourself is can you live and love the person just the way they are? If not..thats a sign that you need to "cut them out" as my Mumu would say...but yeah one of many conclusions....
Due to my day and night of just hittin the books hard, I had not even thought about food at all. And it was already around 2:00 in the afternoon that I started to think about it in the slightest. But, yeah I am not too rational when it comes to things like this. Like usually when a person is hungry they get up and get themselves something to eat. But I was so lost in what I was studying and then what I was talking about with Neil that I didn't get up and get anything substantial to eat. My brother got hungry too and asked if I had any snacks in my fridge. All I had were tangerines and great tasting cookies that Tamu's step mom made. So I snacked on a tangerine and Neil finished the rest of the cookies that were left. hehe..I had a large container of them, and he thought that they were so delicious that he couldn't stop eating them tehehe.
So we finished talking at around 2:00 and when he left I went right back to studying. Yes indeedy. I studied my heart away. I then had the urge to talk to my Baby so I texted Mu and asked if he'd be online later. He said that he wouldn't be able to get online but he would call me in a couple of hours. So I went back to studying and eventually concluded that I probably should get something to eat. By that time it was around 4:00 or got up, took my nose out of my book and went to the cafe. I had a slice of pizza and a plate of vegetables. I don't know why..but lately I've been craving so many veggies. It's quite weird..because I never crave this many veggies. Anywho...I suppose its a good thing every once in a while :P.
When I came back to the dorm I got a call from my Baby and we talked and talked. He was soo tired we couldn't talk as long as I'd like. But the positives are I heard homeboys voice :). So that was great. But after talking with him, I went to the gym and sat on the bike while studying - which has been my habit lately. I also ran on the treadmill for 25 minutes!! I think this is so cool cause I either usually get too bored to be on there for so long or I just wind up too winded before it comes to 25 minutes. But now I can do 25 minutes without blinking. I have been running that long on the treadmill the entire week, and my goal is to move up to 3o next week.
I fell asleep fairly late. Nothing special happened the rest of the night into morning.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Settling back in to things
So I've been trying to busy myself and settle back into my routine of things. Its been hard...cause well when I get sad I sleep a lot yeah I have been sleeping more than anything this week. But I have been doing a little better day by day...
On Saturday, I did homework and prepared to go and sleep home again. Neil picked me up on campus after his class and then we stopped out to eat and drove home. We had McDonalds. It was sooooo goood. It was my first meal of that day so it was delicious. Well I had fruit for breakfast..but that didn't yeah anywho.the food was sweet!.
When I got home I was supposed to go out with my Moms and Trina shopping, but I just got caught up talking to Neil again. So I decided to stay home. And, on top of wanting to stay for the good conversation, it was soooo cold I felt amazing in the warmth and didn't want to leave that. But yeah, me and Neil talked for hours and hours again. We listened to music, sang songs together, shared fun things we found throughout the week until my moms and sis came back home.
After that I hung out with Mom while she made soup. And then I fell asleep. That night I dreamt about mumu. I wanted to hear his voice all throughout my sleep, and as I when I was waking up on Sunday morning, sure phone was baby was calling me. I picked up and was able to wake up to the sound of his voice. It was very nice to hear that he was still good, safe and doing well. Every-time I hear from him its like I can take a breath again. Sometimes I get so worried about him being safe that I get all emotional and what it was nice to be at ease :). We talked and talked and when he had to go, I helped prepare the house for worship.
It was beautiful to be at home and praising the Lord with my family. We had a great Bible study on the God's plan of Salvation. During this lesson, we got quizzed on how we would go about talking to an unbeliever about God's plan of Salvation and then we had to produce the most effective scriptures to support what we said. It was good and thorough.
After that we all sat around and ate, laughed, and had fun as a family for hours. It was sooooo was the best thing that had happened that week by far :)..besides hearing from babes of course.
After that my brother and I went driving to pick up stuff. I decided to stay home another night and went to get more stuff from campus. After that it was homework and then sleep. I sat up and read all night. I felt good.
The start of this week was alright. I had proctoring on Monday even though it was a Presidents Day, then I had homework to do. I studied for my Tuesday's exam - which I aced, and then I ate a good full dinner with veggies and rice. After that, I came back to the dorm and took the nicest, longest shower ever!! I felt amazing and fell asleep. :).
At around 4 am I woke up and studied more for my exam which would be at 8:00. Then I decided to take my flash-cards and go to the gym to get some exercise in at around 5:30am I felt good! I got to class half and hour early and just sat and reviewed my notes. After classes I came back and started cleaning my room....and then I GOT TO TALK WITH BABY!!! Woooo. We talked for like an hour. I was so happy. Until it was near time for him to go..I got so sad..I
I know...I need to be strong. I felt so bad for crying..but I just felt so alone at times and stuck on wishing his major hadn't required him to leave. But my baby comforted me and I said a prayer and regained my composer throughout the rest of the day. I went to the gym with Sherls and tworked it out!!! wooo. It felt great. We laughed and had soo much fun. Yo that girl is becoming my sister for real! Anywho..I don't think I have laughed that hard for so long. I must have burned like 100 calories just from laughing. My stomach was so sore when our time at the gym ended.
But, after that I came back and ate a great dinner (baby, I ate a veggie burger cut up and mixed with veggies and rice - u should be very proud of me :) ). Then I finished homework and blogged it, like I promised you.
Now its late and I'm so tired. I have to prepare to get up early for the gym and go to my dental appointment that I have at 3:00pm today. I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU and thank you so much for that message you sent me today. It was the sweetest thing to hear.
To the Lord whom we love, bless us and continue to have your hand on us. To my pecan and me babes...mmmmwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhh. Speak to you soon.
On Saturday, I did homework and prepared to go and sleep home again. Neil picked me up on campus after his class and then we stopped out to eat and drove home. We had McDonalds. It was sooooo goood. It was my first meal of that day so it was delicious. Well I had fruit for breakfast..but that didn't yeah anywho.the food was sweet!.
When I got home I was supposed to go out with my Moms and Trina shopping, but I just got caught up talking to Neil again. So I decided to stay home. And, on top of wanting to stay for the good conversation, it was soooo cold I felt amazing in the warmth and didn't want to leave that. But yeah, me and Neil talked for hours and hours again. We listened to music, sang songs together, shared fun things we found throughout the week until my moms and sis came back home.
After that I hung out with Mom while she made soup. And then I fell asleep. That night I dreamt about mumu. I wanted to hear his voice all throughout my sleep, and as I when I was waking up on Sunday morning, sure phone was baby was calling me. I picked up and was able to wake up to the sound of his voice. It was very nice to hear that he was still good, safe and doing well. Every-time I hear from him its like I can take a breath again. Sometimes I get so worried about him being safe that I get all emotional and what it was nice to be at ease :). We talked and talked and when he had to go, I helped prepare the house for worship.
It was beautiful to be at home and praising the Lord with my family. We had a great Bible study on the God's plan of Salvation. During this lesson, we got quizzed on how we would go about talking to an unbeliever about God's plan of Salvation and then we had to produce the most effective scriptures to support what we said. It was good and thorough.
After that we all sat around and ate, laughed, and had fun as a family for hours. It was sooooo was the best thing that had happened that week by far :)..besides hearing from babes of course.
After that my brother and I went driving to pick up stuff. I decided to stay home another night and went to get more stuff from campus. After that it was homework and then sleep. I sat up and read all night. I felt good.
The start of this week was alright. I had proctoring on Monday even though it was a Presidents Day, then I had homework to do. I studied for my Tuesday's exam - which I aced, and then I ate a good full dinner with veggies and rice. After that, I came back to the dorm and took the nicest, longest shower ever!! I felt amazing and fell asleep. :).
At around 4 am I woke up and studied more for my exam which would be at 8:00. Then I decided to take my flash-cards and go to the gym to get some exercise in at around 5:30am I felt good! I got to class half and hour early and just sat and reviewed my notes. After classes I came back and started cleaning my room....and then I GOT TO TALK WITH BABY!!! Woooo. We talked for like an hour. I was so happy. Until it was near time for him to go..I got so sad..I
I know...I need to be strong. I felt so bad for crying..but I just felt so alone at times and stuck on wishing his major hadn't required him to leave. But my baby comforted me and I said a prayer and regained my composer throughout the rest of the day. I went to the gym with Sherls and tworked it out!!! wooo. It felt great. We laughed and had soo much fun. Yo that girl is becoming my sister for real! Anywho..I don't think I have laughed that hard for so long. I must have burned like 100 calories just from laughing. My stomach was so sore when our time at the gym ended.
But, after that I came back and ate a great dinner (baby, I ate a veggie burger cut up and mixed with veggies and rice - u should be very proud of me :) ). Then I finished homework and blogged it, like I promised you.
Now its late and I'm so tired. I have to prepare to get up early for the gym and go to my dental appointment that I have at 3:00pm today. I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU and thank you so much for that message you sent me today. It was the sweetest thing to hear.
To the Lord whom we love, bless us and continue to have your hand on us. To my pecan and me babes...mmmmwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhh. Speak to you soon.

Since you've been gone
Well, lets its been so long it seems since I've written anything. hmm..ok..
Well since Tamu has left, things have been a little tough. I'm not going to lie. I have missed him so much! I haven't had a whole lot of time to talk with him but I have talked with him and that makes me happy. I am so glad that my Baby is doing well and most of all SAFE. WOOoo that was a worry of mine. I always get nervous about planes and locals in distant lands. But God is really blessing him to get the most out of his experience there and for that I am happy.
This past week has been very very long. has felt like a month actually. hehe..even my mom said..."see vicky, tamu will be back in no time, its already been a..." she looked shocked as she looked at the calender and exclaimed "a week? thought it had been much longer." Lol it was funny that she felt the same way as me. This week has been very long, no joke. Sigh. But the positives are that in 4 months I will see mumu and things will be back to normal.
This week I tried to take my mind off of missing him by spending time with my family. I slept over what must have been 3 nights out of the week. Being around my family always makes me feel better. I loved being home. And its quite insane how I always get a better sleep on the aro bed my mom got for me than the bed my tuition pays for here at NU hehe. But what can ya do..home will always beat NU dorms and everything in it tehe. Anywho..back to my Monday and Tuesday, I carried on like normal. I actually thought things were going to be alright. Then Wednesday and Thursday came and the missing mumu hard time came. And boy was that tough...I missed him so much that I tried to call the number he gave me and when I couldn't reach him I listened to voicemails I saved from him just hear his voice. That made me feel a much better, but what made me feel even better was me showering him with love through tons of emails. hehe. I must have sent like 10 emails to him just saying hi, asking tons of questions and loving him. It felt good to know that he would know just how much I love him. He gave me the sweetest valentines gift before he left for Ghana and I just wanted to let him know how special he was to me. For Valentines day my Baby got me a white gold heart necklace with a diamond. It was the most beautiful thing ever. As mumu would say "oh how I love shiny things" but hey...what I can I say...I just do. I couldn't stop smiling the day I got it. While mu was in Portland he had gotten it and sent it to me hoping that it would have come on V-day..but it came the week he was in Boston instead. After debating whether to open it then or the next Thursday, mu told me I should open it that night. So I did. It was so sweet!! It was so nice. I couldn't stop smiling for the whole night :).

That night we went to see a movie and then the night after that we went to this fancy mexican restaurant on mass ave. called "Masa". It was a beautiful place..but I wasn't too fond of the food. Mumu of course loved it hehe. But I am a picky eater so I just ate two appetizers..which was a sort of dumpling thing. I am a huge fan of DUMPLINS..its like the greatest eatable thing ever! hehe. Anywho..I loved my V-week. hehe..Thats right..I felt like the entire week was a long Valentines day. It was great to spend time with my Baby.
So back to Wednesday and Thursday of the actual V-day calender week. That Wednesday I had proctoring like usual, did homework and then went to sleep. Then on Thursday I just went to class and work and packed to go and sleep home again. I was able to get the nicest surprise and hear from my Baby on Valentines day so that was an amazing gift by itself. You have to understand that I am going from talking to mu every day to hearing from him the first time for that week. So that made my day to say the least :).
At home I spent all night talking to Neilly. It is always so nice to talk with my bro. We talked and laughed all night until 6:20 am. was crazy...I fell asleep at 6:20 and had to wake up at 7:00 for my 8:00am class. I know I was insane. But I was awake and lively as can be, cause Neilly made me feel so much better. Anywho.. that mom and I wound up leaving the house late so I missed my 8:00am class. I didn't get to campus till 8:30am, and I would have gone if the teacher didn't let us out crazy early everyday. We always get out at 9:00am when the class is supposed to get out at 9:50 am. So anywho..that was bummer because it was African American studies - which is my favorite favorite class. But was cool. I went to my second class - Business Government and was bored out of my mind. I actually had to think about fun things I had done throughout my entire life just to stay awake. It was crazy! hehe.
But yeah then after that I went to get my hair washed at the hair shop near my home. They did a great job by the by. Then my moms picked me up, I ate dinner and my Dad drove me back on campus. Then I went to my meeting with ra staff at 8:30pm and then went out with Ingrid, Ana, allison, and two other girls that I just met that night.
Ingrid had invited me to this ball event that the Kappa's threw at the Hyatt Hotel. So I got dressed in my famous purple dress and went over to West Village A to get ready with the girls.

We looked good, but didn't have much of a good time. It was nice to be out though for a bit anyway. Me and Allison - the girl on my immediate right went home very very early hehe. But it was good, her an I stuck together for the night and had a good time.
After that I came back..and took a picture for my babes....mwah for you hon.

Then I was off to felt so good to finally be back in bed..good sigh..
Well since Tamu has left, things have been a little tough. I'm not going to lie. I have missed him so much! I haven't had a whole lot of time to talk with him but I have talked with him and that makes me happy. I am so glad that my Baby is doing well and most of all SAFE. WOOoo that was a worry of mine. I always get nervous about planes and locals in distant lands. But God is really blessing him to get the most out of his experience there and for that I am happy.
This past week has been very very long. has felt like a month actually. hehe..even my mom said..."see vicky, tamu will be back in no time, its already been a..." she looked shocked as she looked at the calender and exclaimed "a week? thought it had been much longer." Lol it was funny that she felt the same way as me. This week has been very long, no joke. Sigh. But the positives are that in 4 months I will see mumu and things will be back to normal.
This week I tried to take my mind off of missing him by spending time with my family. I slept over what must have been 3 nights out of the week. Being around my family always makes me feel better. I loved being home. And its quite insane how I always get a better sleep on the aro bed my mom got for me than the bed my tuition pays for here at NU hehe. But what can ya do..home will always beat NU dorms and everything in it tehe. Anywho..back to my Monday and Tuesday, I carried on like normal. I actually thought things were going to be alright. Then Wednesday and Thursday came and the missing mumu hard time came. And boy was that tough...I missed him so much that I tried to call the number he gave me and when I couldn't reach him I listened to voicemails I saved from him just hear his voice. That made me feel a much better, but what made me feel even better was me showering him with love through tons of emails. hehe. I must have sent like 10 emails to him just saying hi, asking tons of questions and loving him. It felt good to know that he would know just how much I love him. He gave me the sweetest valentines gift before he left for Ghana and I just wanted to let him know how special he was to me. For Valentines day my Baby got me a white gold heart necklace with a diamond. It was the most beautiful thing ever. As mumu would say "oh how I love shiny things" but hey...what I can I say...I just do. I couldn't stop smiling the day I got it. While mu was in Portland he had gotten it and sent it to me hoping that it would have come on V-day..but it came the week he was in Boston instead. After debating whether to open it then or the next Thursday, mu told me I should open it that night. So I did. It was so sweet!! It was so nice. I couldn't stop smiling for the whole night :).

That night we went to see a movie and then the night after that we went to this fancy mexican restaurant on mass ave. called "Masa". It was a beautiful place..but I wasn't too fond of the food. Mumu of course loved it hehe. But I am a picky eater so I just ate two appetizers..which was a sort of dumpling thing. I am a huge fan of DUMPLINS..its like the greatest eatable thing ever! hehe. Anywho..I loved my V-week. hehe..Thats right..I felt like the entire week was a long Valentines day. It was great to spend time with my Baby.
So back to Wednesday and Thursday of the actual V-day calender week. That Wednesday I had proctoring like usual, did homework and then went to sleep. Then on Thursday I just went to class and work and packed to go and sleep home again. I was able to get the nicest surprise and hear from my Baby on Valentines day so that was an amazing gift by itself. You have to understand that I am going from talking to mu every day to hearing from him the first time for that week. So that made my day to say the least :).
At home I spent all night talking to Neilly. It is always so nice to talk with my bro. We talked and laughed all night until 6:20 am. was crazy...I fell asleep at 6:20 and had to wake up at 7:00 for my 8:00am class. I know I was insane. But I was awake and lively as can be, cause Neilly made me feel so much better. Anywho.. that mom and I wound up leaving the house late so I missed my 8:00am class. I didn't get to campus till 8:30am, and I would have gone if the teacher didn't let us out crazy early everyday. We always get out at 9:00am when the class is supposed to get out at 9:50 am. So anywho..that was bummer because it was African American studies - which is my favorite favorite class. But was cool. I went to my second class - Business Government and was bored out of my mind. I actually had to think about fun things I had done throughout my entire life just to stay awake. It was crazy! hehe.
But yeah then after that I went to get my hair washed at the hair shop near my home. They did a great job by the by. Then my moms picked me up, I ate dinner and my Dad drove me back on campus. Then I went to my meeting with ra staff at 8:30pm and then went out with Ingrid, Ana, allison, and two other girls that I just met that night.
Ingrid had invited me to this ball event that the Kappa's threw at the Hyatt Hotel. So I got dressed in my famous purple dress and went over to West Village A to get ready with the girls.

We looked good, but didn't have much of a good time. It was nice to be out though for a bit anyway. Me and Allison - the girl on my immediate right went home very very early hehe. But it was good, her an I stuck together for the night and had a good time.
After that I came back..and took a picture for my babes....mwah for you hon.

Then I was off to felt so good to finally be back in bed..good sigh..
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