Well since Tamu has left, things have been a little tough. I'm not going to lie. I have missed him so much! I haven't had a whole lot of time to talk with him but I have talked with him and that makes me happy. I am so glad that my Baby is doing well and most of all SAFE. WOOoo that was a worry of mine. I always get nervous about planes and locals in distant lands. But God is really blessing him to get the most out of his experience there and for that I am happy.
This past week has been very very long. Ugh..it has felt like a month actually. hehe..even my mom said..."see vicky, tamu will be back in no time, its already been a..." she looked shocked as she looked at the calender and exclaimed "a week?..wow..I thought it had been much longer." Lol it was funny that she felt the same way as me. This week has been very long, no joke. Sigh. But the positives are that in 4 months I will see mumu and things will be back to normal.
This week I tried to take my mind off of missing him by spending time with my family. I slept over what must have been 3 nights out of the week. Being around my family always makes me feel better. I loved being home. And its quite insane how I always get a better sleep on the aro bed my mom got for me than the bed my tuition pays for here at NU hehe. But what can ya do..home will always beat NU dorms and everything in it tehe. Anywho..back to my week...so Monday and Tuesday, I carried on like normal. I actually thought things were going to be alright. Then Wednesday and Thursday came and the missing mumu hard time came. And boy was that tough...I missed him so much that I tried to call the number he gave me and when I couldn't reach him I listened to voicemails I saved from him just hear his voice. That made me feel a much better, but what made me feel even better was me showering him with love through tons of emails. hehe. I must have sent like 10 emails to him just saying hi, asking tons of questions and loving him. It felt good to know that he would know just how much I love him. He gave me the sweetest valentines gift before he left for Ghana and I just wanted to let him know how special he was to me. For Valentines day my Baby got me a white gold heart necklace with a diamond. It was the most beautiful thing ever. As mumu would say "oh how I love shiny things" but hey...what I can I say...I just do. I couldn't stop smiling the day I got it. While mu was in Portland he had gotten it and sent it to me hoping that it would have come on V-day..but it came the week he was in Boston instead. After debating whether to open it then or the next Thursday, mu told me I should open it that night. So I did. It was so sweet!! It was so nice. I couldn't stop smiling for the whole night :).

That night we went to see a movie and then the night after that we went to this fancy mexican restaurant on mass ave. called "Masa". It was a beautiful place..but I wasn't too fond of the food. Mumu of course loved it hehe. But I am a picky eater so I just ate two appetizers..which was a sort of dumpling thing. I am a huge fan of DUMPLINS..its like the greatest eatable thing ever! hehe. Anywho..I loved my V-week. hehe..Thats right..I felt like the entire week was a long Valentines day. It was great to spend time with my Baby.
So back to Wednesday and Thursday of the actual V-day calender week. That Wednesday I had proctoring like usual, did homework and then went to sleep. Then on Thursday I just went to class and work and packed to go and sleep home again. I was able to get the nicest surprise and hear from my Baby on Valentines day so that was an amazing gift by itself. You have to understand that I am going from talking to mu every day to hearing from him the first time for that week. So that made my day to say the least :).
At home I spent all night talking to Neilly. It is always so nice to talk with my bro. We talked and laughed all night until 6:20 am. Yeaha....it was crazy...I fell asleep at 6:20 and had to wake up at 7:00 for my 8:00am class. I know I know..it was insane. But I was awake and lively as can be, cause Neilly made me feel so much better. Anywho.. that morning...my mom and I wound up leaving the house late so I missed my 8:00am class. I didn't get to campus till 8:30am, and I would have gone if the teacher didn't let us out crazy early everyday. We always get out at 9:00am when the class is supposed to get out at 9:50 am. So anywho..that was bummer because it was African American studies - which is my favorite favorite class. But eh...it was cool. I went to my second class - Business Government and was bored out of my mind. I actually had to think about fun things I had done throughout my entire life just to stay awake. It was crazy! hehe.
But yeah then after that I went to get my hair washed at the hair shop near my home. They did a great job by the by. Then my moms picked me up, I ate dinner and my Dad drove me back on campus. Then I went to my meeting with ra staff at 8:30pm and then went out with Ingrid, Ana, allison, and two other girls that I just met that night.
Ingrid had invited me to this ball event that the Kappa's threw at the Hyatt Hotel. So I got dressed in my famous purple dress and went over to West Village A to get ready with the girls.

We looked good, but didn't have much of a good time. It was nice to be out though for a bit anyway. Me and Allison - the girl on my immediate right went home very very early hehe. But it was good, her an I stuck together for the night and had a good time.
After that I came back..and took a picture for my babes....mwah for you hon.

Then I was off to sleep...it felt so good to finally be back in bed..good sigh..
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