On Saturday, I did homework and prepared to go and sleep home again. Neil picked me up on campus after his class and then we stopped out to eat and drove home. We had McDonalds. It was sooooo goood. It was my first meal of that day so it was delicious. Well I had fruit for breakfast..but that didn't count..so yeah anywho.the food was sweet!.
When I got home I was supposed to go out with my Moms and Trina shopping, but I just got caught up talking to Neil again. So I decided to stay home. And, on top of wanting to stay for the good conversation, it was soooo cold outside..so I felt amazing in the warmth and didn't want to leave that. But yeah, me and Neil talked for hours and hours again. We listened to music, sang songs together, shared fun things we found throughout the week until my moms and sis came back home.
After that I hung out with Mom while she made soup. And then I fell asleep. That night I dreamt about mumu. I wanted to hear his voice all throughout my sleep, and as I when I was waking up on Sunday morning, sure enough..my phone was ringing.....my baby was calling me. I picked up and was able to wake up to the sound of his voice. It was very nice to hear that he was still good, safe and doing well. Every-time I hear from him its like I can take a breath again. Sometimes I get so worried about him being safe that I get all emotional and what not..so it was nice to be at ease :). We talked and talked and when he had to go, I helped prepare the house for worship.
It was beautiful to be at home and praising the Lord with my family. We had a great Bible study on the God's plan of Salvation. During this lesson, we got quizzed on how we would go about talking to an unbeliever about God's plan of Salvation and then we had to produce the most effective scriptures to support what we said. It was good and thorough.
After that we all sat around and ate, laughed, and had fun as a family for hours. It was sooooo fun...it was the best thing that had happened that week by far :)..besides hearing from babes of course.
After that my brother and I went driving to pick up stuff. I decided to stay home another night and went to get more stuff from campus. After that it was homework and then sleep. I sat up and read all night. I felt good.
The start of this week was alright. I had proctoring on Monday even though it was a Presidents Day, then I had homework to do. I studied for my Tuesday's exam - which I aced, and then I ate a good full dinner with veggies and rice. After that, I came back to the dorm and took the nicest, longest shower ever!! I felt amazing and fell asleep. :).
At around 4 am I woke up and studied more for my exam which would be at 8:00. Then I decided to take my flash-cards and go to the gym to get some exercise in at around 5:30am I felt good! I got to class half and hour early and just sat and reviewed my notes. After classes I came back and started cleaning my room....and then I GOT TO TALK WITH BABY!!! Woooo. We talked for like an hour. I was so happy. Until it was near time for him to go..I got so sad..I cried....boo
I know...I need to be strong. I felt so bad for crying..but I just felt so alone at times and stuck on wishing his major hadn't required him to leave. But my baby comforted me and I said a prayer and regained my composer throughout the rest of the day. I went to the gym with Sherls and tworked it out!!! wooo. It felt great. We laughed and had soo much fun. Yo that girl is becoming my sister for real! Anywho..I don't think I have laughed that hard for so long. I must have burned like 100 calories just from laughing. My stomach was so sore when our time at the gym ended.
But, after that I came back and ate a great dinner (baby, I ate a veggie burger cut up and mixed with veggies and rice - u should be very proud of me :) ). Then I finished homework and blogged it, like I promised you.
Now its late and I'm so tired. I have to prepare to get up early for the gym and go to my dental appointment that I have at 3:00pm today. I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU and thank you so much for that message you sent me today. It was the sweetest thing to hear.
To the Lord whom we love, bless us and continue to have your hand on us. To my pecan smoothie...you and me babes...mmmmwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhh. Speak to you soon.

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