Saturday, March 22, 2008

Movie Day!

Today was a good day. I had one of the best workouts I have had this semester! I went to the gym at 6:30am and worked every single muscle in my body. Woo..It felt good. Needless to say I was wobbling like a penguin by the time I was leaving the gym hehe.

After I got back I took the longest, warmest shower. Then I ate some cereal while watching Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech. The man is a the bomb speaker! He comes across as so sincere and honest it is insane. There are very few people that I meet or hear speak that actually speak with such conviction, purpose, and passion. He was so clear in where he was going and where he had come from. His speech didn't feel written or rehearsed but genuine and at the moment. Since his speech was in fact written, his words seemed to form the perfect essay. You know, one of those essays that follow a clear, concise and moving thought. It was good. He was good. I hadn't gotten a chance to watch his speech cause of my schedule, so I took the oppurtunity to get caught up on things.

After breakfast and Barack I felt so good that I fell asleep for the next 3 hours. After my nap, I woke up, looked over some homework and convinced myself that I should cleanup my room so that I could be more productive. My room was a hot mess! I hadn't cleaned it for 2 weeks - for the 2 weeks..I was stressed and you can imagine how it looked. Well I don't think you could imagine..cause well even I surprised myself. This was the worst it had ever looked by far. hehe.

Anywho...I cleaned and listened to some Jamie fox, Boys 2 men, Chris brown, and Whitney Houston's old jams. I had a "private party" as India Ire would say. It was very nice!

After cleaning I did homework and at around 6:30 I went to the cafe and had a good dinner. My goal has been to not eat after 7 or 8 the latest so 6:30pm was perfect timing. I had broccoli, rice and meat. It was delicious. My belly felt great. It was a nice day out, and I was dressed just right for the weather. I had on the warmest turtleneck I own, thick jeans, warm boots, the warm coat my baby bought me, and his warm wool scarf. I was good. Good to go. I went back to my room to pick up some gloves and decided to take advantage of the day and go on a walk. Originally I was going to just walk to best buy - look at some ipods and then walk back. But before I left my room I thought - You know what!? I am going to see a movie. Thats right. I looked up the first couple of movies that popped up in yahoo's movie list...and I went for it. The whole time I walked with a smile on my face. I had stayed away from the movie theaters in particular since mu's been gone cause we had gone so many times just didn't feel right to go by myself. But I finally took myself at 7:40pm today...and it was fantastic!!

I saw Vantage Point. It was so great. It was everything I needed in a movie tonight. It was action filled, mystery, jumpy, creative, funny. It was so good! Much better than I expected. I would harp on the creativeness the most cause it was unlike most movies. would love it too. All I will say is that this movie is like the show we watched with taye diggs having to repeat the same day over and over again. Vantage Point is like that but better. The movie does the same moment in time over and over again but from different peoples the whole while you are solving the case just as the actors or movie investigators are. It was engaging! While I was there I made friends with a woman about near my mom's and dad's age, and we just talked, laughed and screamed the whole way through. It is soo great...yep..thats all I can say...good sigh

Needless to say..I walked there with a smile, and I walked out with a smile. It felt so good to see a movie and for it to be good - especially the first time seeing one for 4 months.

Good sigh..its been a good relaxing day. I could have done more hmk but I needed that movie and I think I deserved it :).

Staying busy!! and grad school

Exams..exams...exams..I guess might be my theme up until the semester ends. I have a funny feeling about it. Starting this Monday, things were a little less intense because I finished my powerpoint presentation. However activities of each day still deprived me of sleep and kept me on my toes.

The good thing that happened this week, was that I got a chance to talk to mumu a good amount. I talked with him many more times this week that I have ever before. Due to great news that I got the RIGHT phone card finally. I was able to go the sprint store and spend less money for more minutes with my baby. So that was good. It felt so good to be able to say "baby, im going to call you tonight." Our convo's ranged everywhere from the underdevelopment of Africa to our love for each other to our future goals. It was great stuff. Talking with mu made this week much easier to get through.

This week was fairly busy but everything is coming together so smoothly. One of the biggest things consists of me applying to grad school. I already have the two people that are doing my recommendations and now all I need to do is my personal statement. Which is the hardest part. jeez...its yet another paper...and I want it to be so good yet I have no idea what to the process is stagnant at the moment :(. But yeah there are so many options for grad programs I am kind over whelmed. So i am still in the process of panning everything out. I'll make sure to keep you up to date with the latest in that area.

Anywho..this week is practically over. In about 2 months my baby will be back. Once April 17th comes...time will go by even faster! Yey.....:)

New York Weekend

The weekend of the 15th my family and I with the exception of Neil took a road trip to New York. We went because my Mom's Dad is very sick. So we all went to Brooklyn's Hospital to visit him along with other family members on my mothers side. It was quite interesting - the whole experience that is. It started with the morning. Mom, Dad, Trina, Stacey and Victor and I helped pack a whole bunch of fruit, crackers, chips, veggies and drinks in the back of a rental van. We then took off at around 7:30am and headed to New York. Both my Dad and Victor (brother in law) took turns driving. Surprisingly we got there pretty fast. We arrived in Brooklyn at exactly 12 noon. And the trip felt shorter because it was enjoyable. Well the whole time my nose was in one of my books for class - no doubt making the time go by even faster cause I learned a lot in my reading -but still talking with the fam made the trip less long. Oh and it also helped that we had really good directions..thats always good!

I have never been to Brooklyn New York before. The most I had ever gone to was Manhatten and another city....which i forgets its name. But yeah for the most part, what I saw of New York was always the places that were wealthy, and suburby. However Brooklyn was nothing like that - well atleast where the hospital was. It was actually quite ghetto to say the least. When i stepped out the van, I felt like I was in another world for a bit. I kinda felt depressed at the thought of living there. If we had ever lived there, I know I would have def been successful cause I would have used everything in me to escape that place. When I was there, all of those movies - when you see a kid growing up in the ghetto and wishing "one day I'll get out of this place" came to mind. It felt just so hopeless as I looked around the streets. It surely made me appreciate my neck of the woods up in the Bean!

But yeah, the hospital was cool. My Mom's dad was so sick that he couldn't even speak to us really. All he did was stare at us and not really move. He has a whole bunch of things going on, but to this day I don't really know what his illness is. From the trip I just know he had many strokes, his memory comes and goes very very frequently, he can barely speak, and he falls asleep every 3 minutes atleast. So while my mother cared for him, we all just really stood or sat around while he just staired at us. He remembered my Mom which would make any daughter happy. Aside from that..we really just stood around and stared at him. It was hard for me to say much or even touch him because I really didn't know him. I don't ever remember seeing him - even though apparently I did when I was toddler. I never heard from him as I grew up...nor even knew what he looked like till that weekend. So yeah...i felt just a little detached to say the least.

Later that day, my Mom's step mom came and my mom's sister came (of which she has not seen for 40 years). It was crazy!! I can't imagine not seeing my family I had once lived with for 40 so they were happy to see each other as you can imagine. Her sister brought her daughter in law which was cool. She was fairly newly married like Stacey and Victor, so naturally the people in that age group bonded.

Trina, Dad, and I just sat around and listened while family talked until I turned to my Dad and saw him falling asleep. Then I would nudge him back awake and tell him that I was hungry. With it getting Dad jumped up, had us all hold hands around My mom's father, said a prayer, and before you know it we were back on the road headed to Boston. We stayed there for a little over 3 hours and we got back to Boston a little after 7pm. Exhausted upon arriving back home..some of us fell asleep while others hung out in front of the tv, while still others roamed the rooms of the house looking for something to do (me for the most part).

At 10 that evening, Neil dropped me off on campus on his way to work. It felt good to be finally back in my bed. I went straight to sleep because I knew I had to be up at 5 the next morning to study for more exams.

Finally writing again.

So its most def been a while since I have written something. I have been so busy lately. I haven't had time to do much but study study and study. I have actually been some what stressed at times as of late, but everything has come together. The Lord has really been good to me and has been working everything out for my good despite my human tendency to worry worry and do more worrying. Let me just say that it does no good to worry. If you have the Lord on your side - there is nothing you need to worry about. He takes care of every need and adds on the desires of your heart. YEp indeedy! With that said, I am doing pretty well.

So the latest that has happened are midterms, up-coming finals, and a whole bunch of tests and papers in between. Every week I have either had a paper, test or presentation that has had to be done. It is actually quite insane. Before the week of spring break, I had worked my butt off to study for Business Government, complete a 10 pager for African American Studies, and complete another 10 pager for English. And you will be happy to know that I got nothing less than a B on all the work I did.

Business Government - I got a 93
African American studies paper- B+
AAS exam - A
English - B

Yep. Those were my midterm grades. I was pleased considering that I stopped truly caring while writing those two papers. hehe. Yeah..I was burnt out from the work and I was just managing to keep my head above water. So yey for the turnout. For my 4th class - Contemporary Black Politics - I had to do a 50 page powerpoint slide. The presentation had to cover the time period from slavery until present day. YEah...exactly...there is made stuff to cover! It was crazy. I worked on nothing but that for the entire week and turned it in last Friday at noon. He hasn't given us grades back for it yet unfortunatey. That entire week was one bad memory. My regular bedtime became 3:30 in the morning - it was terrible. Then I usually went to sleep for anywhere between 1-3 hours, then I would wake up again by 6:30am the latest to continue working. I could have made it easier for myself by plugging away at it more day by day..but the other days were consumed in the same way but with a different assignment. Now thinking about it I should have worked on the powerpoint from the very very begining of the well. Everything can't be perfect. But yeah...the times were crazy!! Like I up while my baby was sleeping over in Ghana, and I was still up while he was getting up in the morning. So while I was working on hmk - we would get to chat in the mornings. Besides the grades, some good came out of me missing out on sleep to say the least.

Anywho..I have gotten through the weeks..

Meanwhile many things have happened...I have gotten the Senior RA position - which is a step up-towards the job i ultimately want to land after college, I have been planning this program with Trina (the sister) and Bob (my boss). Essentially we are planning a community service event with high school students. So thats been stressful to say the least. It has required so much running around on my part..I can't even think about it too much else my head begins to hurt. I have been studying for GRE's and I have been looking at Graduate schools along with getting my application together. So yep..thats me..always on the grind - and preparing for the future. Plans are coming together..rapidly but surely..